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40 results for "Data Breaches"

Features 13.02.2024

Unpatched Patches: Three Critical Patches that Just Keep Bleeding

Unpatched issues can result in dire consequences, as the worst flaws of recent times show. Kate O’Flaherty considers the podium of recent unpatched flaws and questions why firms are so slow to patch Patching: You can’t live with it, but you definitely can’t live without it. And as many firms have discovered, failing to patch […]

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Blogs & Opinions 27.07.2023

Government Departments Haemorrhaging Data and Devices Aren’t Being Held Responsible

Government departments are exploiting loopholes to avoid cybersecurity failure disclosures, and increasingly relaxed regulation means they’re getting away with it, bemoans Jon Fielding   After five years of GDPR and three years of hybrid working, you’d expect organisations to have improved their data handling and device security. But in the public sector, losses are still […]

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Blogs & Opinions 18.07.2023

Leaked Nudes Threat: The Horrifying New Low of a Data Breach

Data breaches have taken a terrifying turn as cyber criminals stoop to new lows, threatening to expose personal and intimate photos of female data breach victims. Nikki Webb investigates the painful consequences that breach victims face Louise, a resident of South Wales, found herself caught in a web of deceit and fear after her private […]

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